The South African Renewable Energy Sector
The South African Renewable Energy Sector
South Africa has created a capability for businesses to supply goods and services into Renewable Energy Projects. This has been achieved through requesting a minimum level of local content during the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement programme (REIPPP). Since it’s inception in 2010 the REIPPP has delivered 6,422 MW of power through 112 IPP Projects over 7 Bid Windows. Total investment in the projects has been R 201.8 billion with the creation of 34, 841 job years for SA citizens. Each bid window asked for an increased element of “local content” thereby creating a supplier base of South African manufactured products and services into these projects.

The SAEEC will engage with the DoE and other stakeholders to establish the nature of the 45% local content achieved thus far in the REIPPP process. Information will be gathered of the South African companies that manufacture the goods and services that comprise the 45% local content. Thereafter an analysis will be made of the goods and services supplied. A database will be drawn up pf Renewable Energy projects on the Continent and what goods and services are procured for these projects. South African companies with the relevant goods and services for these projects will be vetted by the SAEEC and then on boarded for export readiness. The goods and services provided by South African companies will be matched against project requirements and the relevant match making and introductions will be carried out by the SAEEC.
For the year 2021/2022 the SAEEC will embark on a program to identify and recruit SMMEs in the Renewable Energy Supply chain that have been created through South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Program (REIPPP). The SAEEC is aware and acknowledges that the REIPPP requested for increasingly high levels of local content for successive bid windows. The SAEEC’s intention is to identify the export ready companies in the Renewable Energy Sector and to bring these companies into the SAEEC membership base.

The opportunities on the Africa continent in the Energy sector are predominantly in Renewable Energy projects. The SAEEC will work closely with the dtic and institutions such as the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC) to ensure that we can increase South African and African participation in the design and implementation of these and future Energy projects on the Continent.
Export Credit Insurance Corporation
Download the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC) Renewable Energy Report. You can also visit the ECIC website HERE.
South African Renewable Energy Masterplan
Download the background to the South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM). You can also visit the SAREM website HERE.